Monday, February 26, 2007 — Time: 3:59:39 PM EST
TYRONE — A 26-year-old Tyrone man faces 14 felony charges for an alleged northern Blair County burglary spree.
Jeremy Verdan Mountz was arraigned Friday morning before Magisterial District Judge Fred Miller and returned to Blair County Prison, where he was being held on another matter, in lieu of $350,000 straight bail.
Mountz’s burglary streak allegedly began in October, when he took a chain saw, gas tank and two hand saws from a Grazierville garage, police state.
Mountz also stole another chainsaw and five gas cans that month in the Hoovers Lane area of Snyder Township, court documents state.
The state police-led investigation also involved Tyrone and Bellwood police.
Mountz is charged with stealing 10 chainsaws, a red pick-up truck, a laptop computer, a power washer, air compressor and Pennsylvania inspection stickers.
Mountz took troopers on a tour of the area, pointing out garages and businesses he hit, according to police.
In one of his interviews with state police, Mountz blamed a dead accomplice for committing the thefts and said he paid him money to get items that later were fenced.
Authorities say that Mountz’s spree took him to Bald Eagle, Hoovers Lane, Gates Hill Road and Pot Pie Hill, as well as Decker Hollow and 18th Street in Tyrone borough.
A preliminary hearing is scheduled for March 6.
Police also said they have witnesses to some of the alleged thefts, along with video surveillance.
Mirror Staff Writer Greg Bock is at 946-7446.

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